
Saturday, February 23, 2019

“Graduation” written by Maya Angelou Essay

AnticipationImagine how it would feel to have someone of some other race speak at your get-go and put your race down. This is the score of Graduation written by Maya Angelou. In this tosh we see how a young black girl awaits with great compliment and anticipation her graduation day. When the day fin every(prenominal)y arrives, her dreams and expectations are shadowed by the speech that Mr. Donleavy, a snowy man, gave to the graduating company of 1940. At the end of the story we see how the association valedictorian, Henry Reed comes back with encouraging words that help the intact audience become alive and feel like they were on make it again. Maya Angelou used a very important literaryelement in this story called tone.Tone is the attitude the verbalizer has towards themselves, their subjects, and their audience. In this case the speaker in this story is the young black girl. In the beginning of the story the black girl speaks with pride and self-confidence. She guesss ve ry highly of herself when she states, I was discharge to be lovely. A walking model of all the various styles of delightful hand sewing and it didnt worry me that I was only 12 years old and merely graduating from the eighth grade The joy in her voice is felt when she stated my work alone had awarded me to a snuff it place and I was going to be one of the first called in the graduating ceremonies. No absences, nor tardiness, and my academic work was among the best of the year Unfortunately pride and joy were not the only tone used by the speaker.In the middle of the story we see the girl angry and disappointed at the outcome of her graduation. As I described in the introduction, Mr. Donleavy addressed her graduating class with continuous remarks about the white class. He went on to govern that the white kids were going to have a chance to become Galileos and Madame Curies and Edisons and Gauguins The young girl couldnt believe what she was hearing. Graduation, hush-hush magic term of frills and gifts and congratulations and diploma, was finished for me before my name was called. The accomplishments was nothing. Donleavyhad exposed us In this sentence we can actually feel the frustration and anger she felt. At the end of the story we see how her mood changed from being angry to face towering of herself and her race once again.This was the outcome of a poem tape by her class valedictorian, Henry Reed. The word of Patrick Henry had do such an impression on me that I had been able to stretch myself tall and palpitation and, I know not what course others may take only as for me, give me liberty or give me death In this sentence the young girl feels proud to be black and to be part of the graduating class of 1940. She put aside all the awful remarks made by Mr. Donleavy and rejoiced with the encouraging words given by Henry Reed. She was proud of her race and proud to be graduating due to her full academic accomplishments.In conclusion the story of G raduation was very interesting. It was able to fully process the literary element of tone. In my opinion, the message in this story is that we should all be proud of who we are, what we do, and where we come from. Pay less attention to what others say or think about you, and worry more about what you think and what you want to accomplish.

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